The idea for Not Me Mondays came from MckMamma’s blog carnival. You can check out more about her blog here.
As for me, I most certainly did not wake up in the middle of the night to a soggy puppy that urinated all over his kennel. If I did find a pee covered pup, I would certainly never blot his feet with a paper towel and deem him clean. Wiping with a paper towel is not sanitary and I would never believe it to be so.
I did not get unnecessarily irritated at my husband who was mowing because he did not hear me calling for him. Surely since he was mowing, I would never expect him to hear me yelling or see me flailing my arms at him to alert him. And since I was not even irritated, I most definitely did not get red faced when the said mowing man turned a corner causing loads of grass to fly in my direction. Being covered in grass clippings from the thighs down would be hilarious if I were to find myself in that situation. That would never upset me.
I also would never shave my cat bald. If I were to shave him, I would never shave only the parts of the cat that had matted. I would shave him all over so that he does not look ridiculous. Since I always brush my cats daily, I would never end up with a matted then shaved, then patch worked cat.
Who does such crazy things to their animals and their husband?
Not me!
And as for this picture:
That is most definitley, most assuredly, NOT ME!
It was also not me choosing the longest line in the grocery store so that I could read the magazines for free. I have such a busy and fun filled life, that I simply do not have time to read about Jon and Kate plus 8 while running my errands. Certainly I do not do such crazy things as peruse these gossip magazines in place of getting home quicker. I would never do such a thing.And finally, since I always throw my produce into the compost as soon as it starts to go bad, my husband certainly did NOT contemplate what I was doing in the kitchen with the grapes. Since I wouldn’t have been in this position in the first place, I would have never heard him ask me, “Baby, do you think if you leave grapes on the counter long enough that they will turn into raisins?”
Nope, I did NOT hear him say that to me!
You are so funny. I cannot believe you posted the picture I took. You really do look like Farmer Liz! :) Ha ha ha ha ha ah ah.