Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday’s Tattle tailing

In the spirit of tattle tailing on myself, I must admit…ahem…Yesterday I was a “bridezilla.” I have seen these women on television and thought lowly of them. Certainly nobody ever acts like that. Yesterday I did everything short of popping a blood vessel, fire coming out of my eyes, and the skin coming off of my face. I really felt like my whole wedding was coming down on me and I can tell you that it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.

That being said, I have been super overwhelmed lately. My fiancĂ©, Scott, recently was promoted to manager of his whole department. Along with the title of course, came boat loads of responsibility. He has been working overtime pretty much since Christmas! There were even a few weeks that he worked so much I literally did not see him…and we both work at Dynamic Aviation! My sweet, sweet man who had been helping me with anything and everything I needed, barely had time to shower, much less plan a wedding. Hmpf. (Can you see the fit pitching preparing itself?)

I had felt in control over the whole situation though through the beginning. Control is such a temporary thing. And as only temporary things can be, it slipped out of my grasp. Good life lesson though. Control is only found in our God. Having control on Earth is always correctly placed in his hands. And really, fifty candles, two hundred ribbons needing tied, and dress details are such a small blip on the grand scheme that only in a tattle tail blog would it ever be relevant.

Outside of wedding whining, here is my upbeat update: 19 days til the big day. And today, I am mindful on my attitudes, grateful to be getting married to such a wonderful man and happy to have a job to go to in a rough economy. I cannot believe it’s all happening and so very fast. Exciting!

Do you have anything you should tattle tail on yourself?
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