Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Furkids...

Dear Furkids,

This is an apology letter from your human.  I wanted to let you know how sorry I am that Scott and I had to work late today.  So late in fact that I felt the need to rearrange the office to accommodate you.  I am sorry that we had to leave you for so long.

Secondly, thank you for making me aware of the insides of an expensive dog bed.  I must say that for the first time in  my life I realized just how much stuffing they fit into those things.  I didn't know that a small 2 foot by 2 foot dog bed could create the largest amount of blue fuzz known to man.  Thank you for making me so aware.

I also want to apologize to you in advance for not purchasing another dog bed.  I hope you understand why you must now sleep on the cold, hard wood floors.  You see, dog beds are expensive.  And beyond the money issue, they are apparently full of an insane amount of blue fuzz.  I am no longer willing to own one of those items.  I apologize for your inconvenience.

I am sorry that I expected you to be more like "Lassie".  Thank you for reminding me that you are more like "Marley".  I appreciate your honesty.  Next time we have an honest moment I would like to make a request.  Please leave out the blue fuzz!

Your human, Elizabeth

P.S.  Thank you for attempting to look guilty while I was the one who neglected to be home on time.  I appreciate your efforts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Word. I feel bad for whining about crumbs in my bed now...


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