I was teaching Sunday school a few months ago and had planned to watch a video with my four year old group. When I pulled out the VHS, it needed to be rewound. I popped in the cassette, hit the rewind button and the whirring began. The children stared at me, waiting.
"Miss Elizabeth, push play!"
"I will as soon as it stops rewinding."
"What's reewhining?"
In the land of instant communication and DVD's and CD's, I realized this new generation was not used to waiting for well, anything.
Well my life feels like it has been in fast forward the greater part of this year. So this post is to
rewind time back so that I can
fast foward you to the present.
So recapping we go...
It began with this lovely, sun glassed boy.

Hi Scott!
Scott is my outdoor country boy who stole my heart. Last year found us doing pretty much everything you can imagine. He taught me how to lose touch with my city self.
Wedding Rehearsal:
Here is my beautiful niece displaying her flower girl skills.

Good food with great friends.

The Scotts with baby Annabelle who would be born just one month later.

Spending time with my family to be...

Then our big day!

We left the night of our wedding to head to the airport. From there we flew the next morning to catch our cruise ship and sail to the Bahamas.

Just after unpacking and getting back into a routine, the house hunting began. We soon found what would become our first real home.

So we moved all in. Boxes, boxes, boxes and more boxes.
Scott and I plus our furry friends are very,
very tired.

And more to come! Stay tuned...